March 3, 2025

43 thoughts on “When is the Orange County Swap Meet?

    1. HI Vickie and, thanks for your comment. There is a Orange County Swap meet on December 11th and 18th this month both Saturdays. Unfortunately there is no swap meet on Sunday December 19th.

  1. Hi, I’d like to be a vendor at the next swap/flea market. Where can I find information, so I can sign up? Thank you, Jacqueline

  2. Is there going to be a sampmeet next sunday in Costa Mesa CA my girlfriend and I will be driving in from Mission Viego after church how much is it to park & to enter. Please let me know.
    Thank you,

    1. Hello Rebecca and thank you for your comment, no there is not a swap meet next weekend but right now one is planned for Saturday 22nd of January.

    1. The swap meet is only open on Saturdays a couple of times each month the next Orange County Swap Meet is next Saturday 22nd January, thank you for your comment Ana.

    1. There is no OC Swap Meet this weekend the next one is Saturday 12th February and, then also also Saturday 26th February

    1. There is no OC Swap Meet this weekend the next one is Saturday 12th February and, then also also Saturday 26th February

  3. I understand that parking is now $10 by credit card only. Do we pay upon entering the parking lot, or by credit card at the gate to the swap meet?

    Must masks be warn while shopping.
    Thank you

    1. Parking is paid as you enter the parking lot and as outdoors masks are not required but recommended. During these crazy times rules on things such as masks can change so i would check with their website for latest information. Thank you for your comment Ronnie.

  4. Did I read correctly? Parking is $10 yet it’s free to get in? That should keep people like me away unfortunately!

    1. Yes unfortunately parking is $10 for most events at the OC Fair and Event Center, thank you for your comment Joanne

  5. My sister and I loved to go to the OC Swap Meet but haven’t been in years. Now both of us are 80ish, and could never manage all the walking. Is there any way to rent a electric mobility scooter at the Swap Meet for 2-4 hours?

    1. Yes its true like most events at the fairgrounds there is a $10 charge payable by debit/credit card only. Thank you for your comment Chris.

  6. Used to go to the swap meet at least once a month for over 20 years. We went to support mom and pop businesses. They have been especially hard hurt during the last 2 years. Excited to hear that its coming back, except for the $10 dollar parking fee. Cant anyone in government do the right thing? 10 dollars to park for a free event? Who is the Einsteinian who came up with that idea? No thanks! We obviously have to much government! Mom, Pop, find another swap meet, we wont be there!

    1. The $10 parking fee is standard fee charged by the OC Fair & Event Center for most events at the fairgrounds. I can see how that would put some people off attending the swap meet but if you drive and, park there you cannot avoid it. A few events such as the weekly Thursday farmers market generally do not charge the parking fee. Before heading to an event at the fairgrounds i would check the OC Fair & Events website to find out if the $10 parking fee applies. When i write about events there i will tell you the cost and if the parking charge applies. John thank you for your comment.

    1. Nope the OC Swap Meet is running twice a month only on Saturdays so no swap meet tomorrow, hopefully it will expand more in the future, thank you Shelli for your comment

    1. Thank you for your comment, the schedule foe the whole rest of the year has to be worked out with the OC Fair & Event Center Board. The next scheduled OC Original Swap Meet is Saturday May 14th then on Saturday June 11th and Sunday June 12th.

  7. Is the Swap Meet back on regular schedule? Every Saturdays and Sundays from 9am to 3pm? If not, can you let me know the real schedule please. Thank you!!

    1. Thank you for your comment, the schedule foe the whole rest of the year has to be worked out with the OC Fair & Event Center Board. The next scheduled OC Original Swap Meet is Saturday May 14th then on Saturday June 11th and Sunday June 12th.

  8. Hi there…
    Could you please tell me when the next swap meet will be.
    Thank you for your time.

  9. WE are coming into town on August 26,2022. Will there be a swap meet on the 8/27? We are from OC and have always liked the swap meet.

    1. Jen, Thank you for your comment. The next two Original OC Swap Meets are Saturday December 10th and Saturday December 17th from 9 am to 3pm at the fairgrounds.

  10. Hello, I am coming from Las Vegas, Nevada during the month of June 17, 2023. Will the Sway Meet be open?? I am so looking forward to going. It has been a plethora of years since I have been there. Thank you in advance for your input.

  11. Would you be so kind as to share the schedule/plans for days/hours for Swap Meet for Nov/Dec 2023 ? Thank You Much !

    1. Rick & Roxanne thank you for your comment. The Original Orange County Swap Meet at the Orange County Fairgrounds has closed for good which is sad for a lot of people who enjoyed it for so many years. Across the street at Orange Coast College most Saturdays and Sundays is their Swap Meet not as big but worth checking out.

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