Photo by Alem Sánchez on <a href="https://www.pexels.com/photo/margarita-glass-in-shallow-photo-613037/" rel="nofollow">Pexels.com</a>
It has been another crazy pandemic filled year and, just as things in Costa Mesa were looking to get back to normal we get another variant. Hopefully things remain under control and we don’t have to go back to indoor mask wearing everywhere as well as closed interiors of restaurants and bars; This would be bad for business as well of course everyone’s well being.
Orange County Fair
After a year where we had an in person Orange County Fair happen albeit with limited attendance hopefully 2022 will bring us a normal Orange County Fair with full attendance we can but hope.

Homeless Problem
The City Of Costa Mesa with its Bridge Shelter and other plans dealing with the homeless in Costa Mesa but a wider problem for Costa Mesa as well as the wider Orange County is the lack of affordable housing. I myself spent about a year from 2020 to 2021 at the peak of the pandemic homeless half of every month so the issue means a lot to me hopefully next year is better for myself and everyone.
Traffic in Orange County is getting worse which i don’t really have to tell anyone, it doesn’t matter how many lanes you keep adding they are only a temporary band aid to a bigger problem. OCTA dropped the ball on light rail as opposed to our neighbors to the north in Los Angeles.

Los Angeles has a county wide light rail system some underground as well as express bus lanes, Orange County will eventually have a streetcar system a few miles long in Santa Ana. OC Bus provides good service on its heavy population routes but not great service on other routes such as services between Costa Mesa and Huntington Beach.
Year ends always let us look back at the past year and, look forward to the future with hope for a better year. Hopefully 2022 is better for everyone and i wish you and your families a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
Thank You,
Paul Anstey
Owner & Editor of Costa Mesa Insider
PS. Costa Mesa Insider.com will be winding down until January 2022 so see you then with new stories, reviews and events.