Photo by Josh Willink on <a href="https://www.pexels.com/photo/woman-holding-us-flag-during-daytime-92730/" rel="nofollow">Pexels.com</a>
The City Of Costa Mesa is hosting a free celebration for Independence Day the day before at the OC Fair & Event Center. There is food available for purchase as live well as entertainment with live music by Tijuana Dogs and DJ Kaboom. During the event there will also be contests for all ages.
Rules Of Event:
Bring your own lawn chairs as well as blankets. Glass containers as well as bottle are prohibited at the event, also no hard sided coolers or alcohol are permitted.
Sunday July 3rd from 5 pm to 11 pm with fireworks at 9:30 pm
OC Fair & Event Center, 88 Fair Drive, Costa Mesa Lot A
Admission is free but the usual $10 parking fee for the fairgrounds
More Information:
Visit the city website at costamesaca.gov
at what time do the Tijuana dogs play?