Photo by Artem Beliaikin on <a href="https://www.pexels.com/photo/woman-selecting-beaded-jewelry-896018/" rel="nofollow">Pexels.com</a>
June 1st 2023: Several people have been asking if the Original OC Swap Meet is returning to the fairgrounds. Since it was last held in December of last year their have not been any held in 2023. The swap meet itself was getting smaller and smaller with less vendors then in February a Go Fund me page was set up with the money to be used to pay the site fee rental costs for the space at the fairgrounds with the hopes of having a swap meet in March or April of this year.
Then came the message below from the owner of the Original OC Swap Meet posted below on their Instagram account. Hopefully the owner can find another space to continue this great event which supports local businesses. In more recent years many people have switched to selling items online or through local apps which is huge competition for swap meets. If the Original OC Swap Meet finds a new home i will update you.
Photo courtesy of the Original OC Swap Meet

WWhy can’t Costa mesa get with the swap meet man , work it out please
Thank you Bob for your comment.
Still looking and hoping that Costa Mesa will come forward to help get this great event going again!!!!!!!!!
This is such a shame. We used to go to the swap meet at least once a month and Christmas it was awesome. Where can we find the gentlemen that did the hummus and dips?
Such a disappointment.
Yes, this is a disappointment. I, too, used to enjoy walking around and shopping from local vendors. Miss the unique atmosphere and items. Hope it returns in the future.