March 3, 2025

3 thoughts on “Mercardo Costa Mesa Parking Issues

  1. I went at 5 pm today. Parked on the center strip by MacDonalds, grabbed some beer ,and was was out in
    5 minutes. I haven’t had to park all the way over by TJ MAXX yet.

    1. Thank you for your comment Drew. It has over time got better the first week or so there were lines just to get in the store. Over time its gotten better but still near impossible to get a supermarket parking space during lunch hours or dinner hours. Early to mid morning and after lunch hours until dinner is fairly easy to find a space. Even when the parking lot is overflowing other than being crowded its pretty easy to doing your shopping done as ample quick check outs and waiting cashiers. The lines form at the various restaurant stalls at peak times but still easy to get in and out if you are just shopping.

      1. I’m lucky, since it’s a 5 minute walk for me, but it’s nice to know I don’t have to go home,park then walk if I’m driving by, I can just stop. I imagine it will settle down even more after the holidays, looks like very few people are buying canned and dry goods yet, the lines are all for hot food.

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